Unfortunately the biathlon season was cut short due to the corona virus. That 's why our break started a little earlier than planned but, after a season with a lot of new impressions, I felt an extended intermission would be very welcome. As one currently cannot travel abroad I spent the easter holidays at home in Skatval. Ever so great being served home cooking and getting together with my family is always a treat :-)
For the rest of the time I was in Lillehammer enjoying the excellent snow conditions Sjusjøen and Nordseter still have to offer. Mostly cross country skiing but I also love taking my randonnée equipment savouring som splendid rides downhill as a reward for the climbing efforts. I 've relished many lengthy outings cross country skiing this month, something I really appreciate since there's hardly any time to do so when training starts again. In between I 've been working when needed, I'm a home care substitute here in Lillehammer.
Now, my batteries are fully charged again and I'm ready to embark on a new training season. I am still with Team Mesterbakeren and the Belgian national team. https://team-mesterbakeren.no / https://www.belgium-biathlon.be