I am back at my flat in Lillehammer after an intense but very fun world championship.
5 competitions in 9 days have left their mark, both physically and mentally. When I came back to Lillehammer, the air simply went out of the balloon and I felt how focused I had been for a long time to perform my best during these world championships.
My goal before the season was to be in my best shape during the world championships , and I can pat myself on the shoulder and say that I did just that. I raised my shooting level another notch and ended up with 93 in hit percentage. My cross-country shape was also better and I have never been closer to the best in the track, very rewarding to see that hard work gives results. Small steps in the right direction all the time.
I also reached a massive milestone and a big goal this season, to take my first World Cup points! After being close in the sprint and pursuit, I managed it on the last individual distance, the individual race. 19 hits and 36th place, finally fixed my first set of points!
I finished the championship with a single mixed relay together with Florent Claude. Together we paved our way to a 15th place, a great result considering that all nations competed with their best teams. The gap up has never been smaller..
I bring home a lot of motivation and I am again much richer in experiences!