The 21st of October, and the first ski outing for this season is over! Impressed by the good conditions they managed to produce at Sjusjøen, even though the winter is not totally here yet. Nice to get on my skis again and enjoy the snow. I am trying to have a balanced transition from rollerskis to skis now that the competition season is closing in. That way the workload won't get too big and I can use my time to find back to the exquisite feeling of snow under my skis. I thought for a moment that winter had arrived when it was snowing for a whole day here in Lillehammer, but it didn't take many days before the heat was back and I had to put my rollerskis back on.
I am beginning to feel the season start drawing near, the intervals are getting harder and harder, we try to pin down the best competition solutions for the shooting and we are constantly dueling during our training sessions .
The world cup is being arranged, but the original four venues are being reduced to two. That means two weekends with competitions at each place, due to the corona. The season kicks off on the 14th of November with the opening weekend at Sjusjøen, before the international circus begins a fortnight later in Kontiolahti, Finland. There are not many weeks left now, time to get ready and pinpoint my top shape, I am so excited!